This morning, as I made a left hand turn onto the street where my job is located, I noticed a vehicle slowly approaching on my left side.. as if I were not in its way. I make use of my horn, as I typically do, to alert drivers of their stupidity.. but of course, there is only so much one can do. Soon thereafter, I feel a slight bump as my car's rear shifts right.
Am I angry? Am I shocked? Am I even the slightest bit fazed? Not at all.
With the string of bad luck my car has brought me the past couple of months, today was just another day in da life..
I called my dad who pretty much has a heart attack every time he sees my name come up on his caller I.D. seeing as my calls are usually related to some tragedy occurring in my life that I need him to come save me from. Thankfully (kinda), I'm getting used to these calamities and am learning to deal with them myself-- adulthood here I come! -_-
After informing Daddy of my situation, I got out of my car and asked the awkward girl who hit me if she was okay.. then proceeded to call the police who later ruled the accident her fault and provided me with a report to submit to my insurance. I do wish she had hit my front or back bumper which both need repairing, but instead she hit my left rear door.
A couple of years ago back in high school, a friend of mine got hit from behind with me in the car.. I quickly got out of the car and yelled every vulgar word I could think of at this poor guy who just stared quietly and apologized.. I felt bad a couple months later when I almost hit someone and felt what the shock he must've been feelings at that moment. Accidents happen.. no one enjoys them.. no need to get angry at it.
Anyway, I made it to work about 15 minutes late and missed a parent update I had scheduled for 8am. The parents were very understanding and rescheduled for tomorrow. The rest of my day at work was madness.. keeping track of 12 students of 12 different levels/ages/grades/programs is a bit overwhelming. I've been trying to keep track of it all but always seem to fall short at the weekly consultant meetings-- which probably explains why I hate them so much. The other consultant, who's great and helps me out A LOT, is fantastic at the meetings and is able to provide an outline of what each of her students is doing and how well they're progressing.. me?-- I'm able to do this for about half of my students off the top of my head. The director suggested I keep a consultant planning log for my students, which outlines the student's progress throughout their scheduled weeks of instruction from the very day they begin. I was a bit put down by the suggestion because it had implications that I wasn't doing such a great job.. but I was also very appreciative of the advice and took it more as constructive criticism and helpful hints on how to ease my workload and better organize myself. She also asked me to write down a summary of each of my students' progress for the next consultant meetings. She didn't say any of it in a bad way, and I appreciated the critique. I'm determined to use all the tools she suggested and show significant improvement at next week's meeting.
I spoke with one of my student's parents today, who inquired about tips on inducing enjoyment in reading for her son. I suggested she just take her son to Barnes and Noble and let him pick out a book on his own, without imposing any rules or force on him. I've been thinking about this a lot and am definitely taking up reading regularly once I have the GRE off my plate. One of my friends and I actually have a Border's date planned for next weekend where I shall begin reading The Da Vinci Code, as per her suggestion-- and seeing as she knows me pretty well, I'm prettyyy excited =)
I spoke with another one of my friends today, who gave me an hour long explanation on the final break-up situation with his now ex. They've been going through this break-up for about a month now, and I am happy to say it is relieving to have finally heard the end of this saga.
My friend is a very sensitive and emotional guy.. his ex, not so much-- and that seemed to be the issue in their relationship. Long story short, she flopped back and forth from her wanting to try to not wanting to so much for about a month, during which time his feelings were consistent in that he just wanted to be with her. In the end, he finally gave up basically trying to convince this girl to be with him, and she agreed with the break-up with reasons of "having too much on her plate," even though all she does is work a part-time job and work out. I personally saw this as a cop-out excuse and a bullshit reason to avoid telling him she just didn't want to be with him.
Oh, relationships. I feel relationships are more based on personal needs and wants than actual care for another human being.. these two concept are often used interchangeably.. but the truth of the matter is, once one party's needs are no longer satisfied by their partner, or they find greater satisfaction elsewhere, the "love" they felt for that person seems to go out the window... though she did still claim she cared about him-- sounds more like justification for conscience relief to me.. aka bullshit.
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